Teaching Humanity Remotely Podcast with Dr. Mindy Shaw

Second Episode Summary

On the second podcast in my series titled “TEACHING HUMANITY REMOTELY,” I reviewed the mission statement for this current phase of my career in education which is to assist parents during this unique time of remote and hybrid learning.   I want to ensure that parents everywhere gain the skills and the language needed to help their children learn and practice daily living skills in the area of social and emotional learning.  This is essential so that our children will have the skills to practice their humanity daily.

When children are learning in a school setting, they are given opportunities to practice and learn such skills as patience, taking turns, sharing, making friends and telling the truth.   They are also learning how to express their feelings in healthy ways.

Due to the fact that so many children are now learning in some variation of remote schooling, they are having fewer and fewer opportunities to develop their socials skills.   That is why I’ve written over 40 non-fiction, child-friendly picture books dealing with feelings, life events and life lessons.   Some children will be at a reading level where they can read these books themselves, but the real gift will come as parents and educators read AND DISCUSS the books with their children.  To encourage that discussion, each book ends with talking points that will help both parents and educators.   Together, parents, educators and children can use these tools to hone the skills needed in order to practice their humanity daily and grow socially.

One clear message we hoped to deliver in our second podcast episode is that young children have concerns about the world around them, and their concerns need to be voiced and heard.   The adults who are caring for them need to have the words and skills to validate children’s concerns and to comfort them.  On the podcast, a pre-school teacher named Christina DeGrote read the book titled A KID’S CONCERN:  THE CORONAVIRUS.   After sharing the book, we discussed how she would utilize the text with her preschoolers.  We hope that in doing so, it will give caregivers support for what they and their children are going through right now.

I also want parents, families, educators and caregivers to know that I truly have a desire to help them by providing them with the skills and strategies that can help ease their burdens and stresses during this time.   We hope you enjoy (or have already enjoyed) the podcast and that it fulfills a need that you and your family have right now.

Please subscribe for future podcasts in this series.
